“JCPS Shifts to NTI Tuesday Amid Winter Weather Alert”

JCPS Transitions to Non-Traditional Instruction Due to Winter Weather Alert

Learn about JCPS’s transition to Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) on Tuesday in response to a winter weather alert.

What is Non-Traditional Instruction?

Non-Traditional Instruction, also known as NTI, is a method of teaching and learning that allows students to continue their education remotely when physical classrooms are not accessible, such as during inclement weather.

How Does NTI Work?

During NTI days, students are provided with learning materials and assignments to complete at home. Teachers may conduct virtual lessons, provide online resources, and communicate with students via digital platforms.

Benefits of NTI

  • Allows for continuity of learning during school closures
  • Can be an effective way to ensure student engagement and academic progress
  • Prepares students for remote learning experiences in the future

Stay Updated on School Closures

It’s important to stay informed about school closures, especially during inclement weather conditions. Keep an eye on official channels and communication from JCPS to know when NTI days will be implemented.

Remote Learning During Winter Weather Alerts

While traditional classroom settings may be disrupted by winter weather, NTI provides a way for students to continue their education from the safety and comfort of their homes. Embrace the opportunity for remote learning and make the most of NTI days.


As JCPS transitions to Non-Traditional Instruction on Tuesday due to a winter weather alert, it’s essential for students and parents to understand how NTI works and how to stay engaged in remote learning. Stay updated on school closures, participate in NTI activities, and make the most of this educational opportunity.

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